I turned 29 on September 8th.
I am 29 years old.
I have to keep repeating this to myself. It doesn’t seem real.
While I am very grateful to be alive, I am quite sad that I am closer to death’s age.
I feel so old.
Twenty-nine. 29. Wow.
Nevertheless, here we are. I am choosing to embrace this age and make sure to live it up this last year of my 20s. However, my 29-year-old version of living it up is different than my 21-year-old version, but that’s okay. This will be fun and liberating and I will feel accomplished.
1. Go Back to School
CHECK! This is the easiest to begin with as I finally signed up for my post-baccalaureate program and my classes begin next Monday.
2. Quit My Job
I love my job for the most part. My fourth anniversary of working here is coming up in 2 weeks. I am thankful for everything I’ve learned and the network I’ve built. Thankfully, I have the ability to work while completing my program. But I don’t want to work to hinder my success. So I will either quit entirely or gradually lower my time. I have specific goals in mind and I can’t let the comfort of making money stop that.
3. Build My Brand
And make some money while I’m at it.
4. Forgive My Parents
For they know not what they do. And it’s time to move on. I’m too old to be stuck with little girl feelings. I don’t want to be as messed up as them when I’m their age (I love you both! But you know it’s true).
5. Commit to Self-Care
I often save my needs for last and I am realizing that it's not doing any good to myself or those around me. I need to take better care of myself: mind, body & soul.
6. Lose Weight
I won’t specify a number, but I just need to get back into a good shape. Health is so important and I can’t waste any more time.
7. Run a 10K
I really wanted to be one of those people to say “I AM GOING TO RUN A MARATHON!” But I’m realistic. Even if I could potentially run a marathon, I wouldn’t want to. I get bored after so many miles so 6 is perfect for me.
8. Have My Portrait Taken
I hate pictures of myself. I never let anyone take pictures (my boyfriend can attest to his annoyance of this) and if they do, I can’t stand the picture. I know this has to do with my weight and I plan to change this. I will let someone else take a picture of me and I will smile doing it!
9. Realize That Yoga Just Isn’t My Thing
I’ve tried to get into it. I’ve tried to love it, well… like it. I just can’t. And that’s okay.
10. Journal on Good Days Too
If you read my journal, you would swear I hated every day of life. I don’t. But I always end up writing it out when I’m upset. I want to keep track of the positive parts of life also.
11. Learn a New Language
Duolingo makes you feel so bad when you’re not practicing. I will practice every day of this year.
12. Travel Somewhere Exotic
I want to get away! I want to go to a beautiful place!
13. See a Broadway Show
I’m obsessed with musicals and I need to get to Broadway.
14. Travel Alone
I was always so scared to do this. However, I travel alone for work all of the time now and I’m used to it. I want to travel alone for pleasure at least once though.
15. Have Control of My Coins
I need to save more consistently and have a bigger emergency fund. I want to make sure I’m credit card debt free and just keeping a tight lid on everything happening with my money.
16. Wake Up Earlier Than I Have To
My sleeping habits are terrible right now. It ruins my entire day. I love it when I’m able to have a relaxing morning routine and just start the day off right.
17. Move!!
I have to move closer to work and school. I have to get out my mother’s house. I wasted time here and it’s time to let go of the 'living at home to save money' thing. Just spend the rent money and call it a day. I’ll be saner for it.
18. Turn Off the Television
It’s so distracting and a waste of time.
19. Unplug
I have to be on the internet for work, school and to build my brand. However, I also need to unplug sometimes. Social media can become overwhelming and negative. It’s best to just let it go every now and then.
20. Declutter
Throw stuff away! Now!
21. Go to Church
Bible Study and Sunday Service. I think I have found somewhere I like and I want to stick to it. I'm not extremely religious, but I'm spiritual and I'm beginning to realize that this specific church gives me the right amount of what I need.
22. Volunteer
I love to help people and I have to stop saying I’m too busy. I can make time.
23. Stop Complaining
The phrase “I’m tired” has to be the most overused phrase ever. I hate saying it and I hate hearing it. Yes, sometimes I am tired. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t live my life and do something I want to do. I want to be positive and enjoy each day for what it is. Exhausted or not.
24. Smile More
It’s just that simple.
25. Host a Dinner Party
A real one.
26. Write a Letter to My Future Self
When I was in middle school, one of my teachers had us write a letter to our future self. He actually mailed them out all those years later and it was so cool to read.
27. Get Engaged
Technically, this isn’t up to me, but I have been stalling this for quite a while. There are a few things I wanted to accomplish before I was ready for marriage. But, honestly, I don't believe I'll ever be 'ready' & why wait until then anyway if this is what I know is for sure.
28. Go Camping
I haven't been camping in forever and I would really love to get some family together and go sleep under the stars for a few nights.
29. Swim Under a Waterfall
I've always wanted to do this!
30. Realize that Turning 30 May Actually Just Be the Beginning…
30 in 365 to 30.
Wish me luck!